DMOZ — the Open Directory Website — formally shut today. DMOZ was a website intended to sort out the web using volunteer human editors and born during a time when an opponent to the prevailing Yahoo Directory was viewed as required. Yahoo had confronted feedback as being too powerful and excessively troublesome for websites, making it too difficult for websites to be approve. Almost 19 years later, neither one of the directories lives.
The declaration came through a notice that is currently appearing on the home page of the DMOZ website, saying it will close as of March 14, 2017.
DMOZ was live on June 1998 as “GnuHoo,” then immediately changed to “NewHoo,” an adversary to the Yahoo Directory at the time. It was soon acquired by Netscape in November 1998 and renamed the Netscape Open Directory. Soon thereafter, AOL acquired Netscape, giving AOL control of The Open Directory.
DMOZ will live on in one of a kind way — the NOODP meta tag. This was a way for publishers to tell Google and other search engines not to portray their pages utilizing Open Directory descriptions. While the tag will get to become redundant, it will likewise remain sneaking inside website pages that keep on using it for a considerable length of time to come.
The editors have set up a static mirror here.
If you are interested in staying in touch with the DMOZ community,
please visit www.resource-zone.com.